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Hypnotherapy Demystified - What to Expect and How to Use it to Heal Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Writer's picture: jadeferrierejadeferriere

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Hypnotherapy has an interesting reputation, that aside it is a powerful tool for re-wiring how you think about yourself, your body, your health and the life you are living.

Hypnotherapy is not a new thing. In fact, it has been around for over 2,000 years. In its earliest days it originated with the Hindus of ancient India, where sick people would be taken into sleeping chambers and hypnosis was used as meditational self observation and as a way of activating the bodies natural healing ability.

Since its first induction, hypnotherapy has had a twisted journey through time. At times famed for its natural approach to healing and on the other end of the spectrum, scrutinised as being a mind altering source of magic that could not be trusted.

Modern day movies have added to its mystifying concepts, with swinging clocks and the trance state being seen a source of brainwashing. As with all alternative health approaches, it has copped its fair share of good and bad reviews. 

Today, hypnotherapy is an accredited form of study, being used to support women in all aspects of their life, especially with health and mental wellness. From empowering the birthing process to helping women overcome eating disorders, fertility issues, obesity, stress and anxiety and insomnia the list of ways that hypnotherapy can be utilised is endless.

In fact, you might be interested to know that hypnotherapy has a 93% SUCCESS RATE WITHIN 6 SESSIONS!

A comparative study reported by American Health Magazine found:

It takes 22 behavioral therapy sessions to achieve 72% success rate.

It takes over 600 psychoanalysis sessions to achieve 38% success rate.

It takes up to 6 hypnotherapy sessions to achieve 93% success rate.

Study by Alfred A. Barrios, PhD, “Toward Understanding the Effectiveness of Hypnotherapy: A Combined Clinical, Theoretical, and Experimental Approach”, UCLA


What to Expect

Don't expect to feel hypnotised.

Many people come to a hypnotherapist thinking that there is something about trance which is markedly different from their ‘normal’ state of consciousness. This is definitely not the case. A light trance will feel no different from relaxation. Since trance is a normal, natural state, it will likely feel familiar to you, no matter how deep in trance you go.

Do expect to feel deeply relaxed.

Hypnosis is a natural state where you feel increasing levels of relaxation, in both your body and mind.

You are in control.

During the trance induction, you need to know that you are in charge. For example, if I told you to stand up, and that was OK, you would, right? But if I told you to rob a bank you wouldn’t do that. Well that is the same in hypnosis. You are in charge. You only accept the suggestions that are consistent with your own internal values and beliefs.

Hypnosis is not only a tool to make wonderful changes in your life, it is a way to destress. Your pulse slows, breathing settles, blood pressure comes down. When that happens, you see things more clearly.


How it Works

Healing and preventing disease requires a combination of physical, spiritual and emotional approaches.

Hypnotherapy, also known as ‘Guided Imagery’ or ‘Visualisation’ is a process of deep relaxation which allows you to access your subconscious mind and Higher-Self to create change in your life.

While in a relaxed state, the subconscious mind is able to release blocks, remove limiting beliefs, negative behaviour patterns, AND re-frame the past to help you move forward in new, positive ways. Once these blocks and beliefs are removed, the subconscious mind willingly receives new information to help you meet your goals and heal your life; body, mind & spirit.

Imagery is used for deep relaxation, to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, reach goals, manage pain, and promote overall healing.

The relaxed state promotes healing, learning, creativity and performance. It helps you feel more in control of your emotions and thought processes. Therapeutic Imagery is safe and is often combined with conventional medical treatment to facilitate healing.

For individuals with physical illnesses or dis-ease, imagery is used to reduce stress, relax the emotions, reduce and relieve symptoms, lessen pain, stimulate healing responses in the body, provide motivation and to make positive life changes. Imagery is also widely used for headaches and to prepare people for surgery, because it reduces fears and anxiety and offers an increased sense of control.


Hypnotherapy is a 100% natural proven therapeutic process.

Stun Your Readers

It promotes healing of the body, mind and spirit. By helping you tap into–and realize the power you have within yourself to achieve your desired life goals and dreams.  This technique can effectively address emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, self-esteem and confidence issues, addictions, and other mental, emotional, physical and spiritual obstacles.

Hypnotherapy conducted by a certified therapist is considered a safe, complementary and alternative medical treatment. However, hypnosis may not be appropriate for people with severe mental illness.

Adverse reactions to hypnosis are rare, but may include:



Dizziness; and

Creation of false memories.

If you are suffering severe mental illness or are currently taking prescription medication for your condition, it is my recommendation that you consult your general health practitioner to discuss the option of including hypnotherapy in your treatment BEFORE proceeding with any of the free guided visualisations that are offered here on my website.

Although hypnosis has very high success rates, it isn’t right for everyone. It is completely determined by your willingness to be curious and explore the available suggestions. If unwilling you may not be able to enter a state of hypnosis fully enough to make it effective.


Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit with Hypnotherapy

Re-wiring your Master Program for Wellness

As well as helping others revamp their lives with hypnotherapy, I have experienced amazing success in alleviating health conditions and transforming unwanted behaviours in my own life.

With the help of hypnotherapy I have become a non-smoker, a confident public speaker and reinforced conscious lifestyle changes to help overcome hyperthyroidism. Some of most profound results I have experienced have been on much more subtle level, like managing anxiety and replenishing adrenal fatigue, healing past lives and restoring a positive mindset around body image and finances.

In my experience hypnotherapy is the most non-invasive way of addressing trauma and dealing with inner conflict. It has demonstrated to me, that it has the power to make life changing results.

By achieving peace of mind, you are able to find a deep sense of security, safety, and personal empowerment in your everyday life. With more reliance and trust in the Universe, it becomes easier for you to live without fear or worry of the challenges that life may bring.

In addition, as you progress in your healing sessions, you develop a deeper connection with the Divine healing energies and you begin to experience greater degrees of unconditional love in your life. Being free from judgment toward yourself and others allows you to tremendously increase your self-confidence and sense of self-worth. Thus, you begin to experience less fear and more joy; paving the way to manifesting everything you want and need in your life.

These are just a few of the benefits of hypnotherapy when used to support your journey home to Self.


Look and Feel Young – slow down the aging process

Sharpen your focus

Increase stamina

Increase your chances of fertility

Melt away the extra pounds by melting away years of unresolved internal issues

Reduce blood pressure and pain

Eliminate insomnia

Strengthen the immune system.

Decrease respiratory rate


Reduce stress and anxiety

Forgive self and others

Increase your happiness and improve your relationships


Increase wisdom, creativity, focus, concentration, motivation, and memory

Overcome addictions

Increase mental balance and health


Achieve inner peace

Unite mind, body, & spirit and accept yourself as the perfect creation that you are

Find your life purpose

Re-align with spirit selfIncrease the capacity of unconditional love for self and others


Begin Your Journey of Inner Transformation with Hypnotherapy

The best way to begin your journey of inner transformation is to get started with the free therapeutic visualisations, here on my website.

This series of guided visualisation are designed to restore all parts of your mind, body and soul back into perfect harmony and balance. They help remove the negative experiences and emotions that have built up over time that are holding back happiness and good health. Using a holistic approach, these visualisations work on a subconscious level to realign you with the common goal of awakening truth and wholesome well-being.

Each recording will help you release negatives feelings and emotions, creating complete unity between your mind and body. In doing so you may experience benefits that extend far beyond what you ever thought was possible. The innate healing forces of your subconscious is capable of so much… the only thing stopping it most of the time is you. Using these recordings will help you knock down internal barriers and create a new platform for making powerful changes at a deeper level to many aspects of your life.

Naturally, a free guided visualisation is just a taste of what hypnotherapy is all about - to get the complete benefits we would need to look at your specific circumstances and tailor a program to meet you where you are at.

Working one on one in this way is a deeply rewarding process where you can de-program & re-program, commit to deep sacred renewal, & create anchored long-lasting change. If you are feeling the call to embark on this kind of journey then the 'Finding True North Program' may be right up your alley.

Click here to read a little more about it and do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions.


So what are your thoughts about hypnotherapy? Curious enough to check out one of my free guided visualisations??


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